Test-to-Treat Certification Course - 2024 Dates Scheduled 2/16/24 4pm - 8pm MST!

  • Friday, February 16, 2024
  • 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • www.nmpharmacy.org


  • Must be a current NMSHP member; will be verified w/ Executive Director
  • Must be a current NM Walmart Pharmacist.

Registration is closed

"Test-to-Treat Certification Course Home Study" - 6hrs.

   2/16/24 LIVE ZOOM SCHEDULED - 4pm - 8pm MST


At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to: 1) Identify expanded role, need, and additional opportunities to use a CLIA Waiver, technology, and point-of-care testing (POCT) under protocol/legislation in pharmacy practice in New Mexico for the care and benefits of their patients; 2) Gain the skills necessary to perform physical assessments and identify appropriate testing and diagnostic procedures to treat, using evidence based guidelines and recommendations, the following health conditions: COVID-19; Influenza; Group A Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcus (GAS) Pharyngitis; Other conditions as approved; and 3) Review additional policies and procedures specific to New Mexico Board of Pharmacy Rules and Regulations and State Legislation.

ACPE UAN/CPN#0104-0000-23-030-B01-P  10 contact hrs. / 1.0 CEUs

(includes home-study UAN #0104-0000-23-029-H01-P)

Initial Release Date:  8/7/23 / Expiration Date:  8/7/2026

Program slides + Home-study recordings available within 2- 3 days of payment for the training.

View the #3 Dropbox recordings

Required Readings

1) IDSA Guidelines (for COVID, Influenza, Strep Pharyngitis)


2) New Mexico Test-to-Treat Pharmacist Protocol


3) Senate Bill 92

4) Informed Consent & Pharmacist Intake Form

ONGOING HOME-STUDY TRAINING (materials will be available within 2-4 days after registration)

Home-Study portion - 6 hours

Live ZOOM Portion - 4 hours


"Test-to-Treat Certification Training Course Live Study"

At the completion of this Certificate Program activity, the participant will be able to: 1) Review their understanding and role regarding how to appropriately use a CLIA Waiver, quality controls, technology, point-of-care testing (POCT), test-to-treat, and pharmacy procedures under protocol/legislation in pharmacy practice in New Mexico; 2) Gain the clinical competency skills to fully understand and utilize evidence-based medicine and practice guidelines in specific illnesses, while performing pharmacy mandates and pharmacy procedures in accordance with New Mexico protocol; 3) Demonstrate adequate ability to perform test-to-treat point of care testing and appropriate prescribing for the care and benefits of their patients and 4) Review additional policies and procedures specific to New Mexico Board of Pharmacy Rules and Regulations and State Legislation.

ACPE UAN/CPN#0104-0000-23-030-B01-P  10 contact hrs. / 1.0 CEUs

Initial Release Date:  8/7/23 / Expiration Date:  8/7/2026



(Once you register for this Certification Training, you will receive the Home-study Training recording links, pre & post test links and the Home-study program evaluation form link within 2-4 business days.  The Home-study portion must be successfully completed prior to attending the Live ZOOM session).  During the final 2 hours of the live zoom session, attendees will have a scheduled 10 minute time assigned by the Instructors to demonstrate adequate ability to perform test-to-treat point of care testing and appropriate prescribing for the care and benefits of their patients.  

Live Study Requirements

  • During your live study session that you register for, you will need…
    • Access to a partner during an assigned ten minutes of time within your live study course, your assigned ten minute physical assessment time will be given to you during the start portion of the live study class. 
    • Hand sanitizer
    • At least 2 Q-tips
    • Gloves
    • If you do not have a partner available at your assigned time or don’t re-ZOOM into the Session at your designated time, you will need to reschedule another time outside of the training course and your certification will be delayed until completion of this physical assessment.  The final 1 ½ hours of the live ZOOM session will be designated for the ten minute physical assessment demonstration, so it will be crucial for you to have a confirmed demo partner available along with logging in at the appropriate time that is scheduled.

This course consists of 6 hours of home-study and 4 hours of live training.   You must successfully complete the home-study portion prior to getting registered for the live session.  Please contact Julie Weston at the NMPhA office with any questions at jweston@nmpharmacy.org or 505-265-8729. 

Presenters: Amy Bachyrycz, PharmD, Associate Professor of Pharmacy (Community Pharmacy) in the Dept. of Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Sciences, UNM College of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

Monique Dodd, PharmD, PhC, MLS(ASCP)CM, Manager, Enterprise Clinical Solutions, Rhodes Group, Albuquerque, NM

Participants are required to turn in a completed program evaluation forms along with Pre/Post Tests successfully completed with a score of 70% or higher to receive the designated CEUs.  Your CPE credits will be submitted into the CPE Monitor Database within 30 days based on the information provided on this form.  

The New Mexico Pharmacists Association is accredited by the

Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.  This Certificate-based program provides 10.0 contact hours (1.0CEUs) of continuing pharmacy education credits and is designed for pharmacists.  Participants must have a passing grade of 70% on the pre home-study quiz & post quiz along with 70% on the Live Case Exam and are required to turn in completed program evaluation forms for both the home-study & live zoom sessions to receive the designated CEUs.  Your CPE credits will be submitted into the CPE Monitor Database within 30 days based on the information provided on the program evaluation forms. 

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