“Pharmacists Prescribing Vaccines – The New Mexico Program”

  • Friday, September 02, 2022
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • ZOOM Web-Conference


  • Full 12 hour training includes 4 hours of home study and 8 hours of classroom participation. MUST BE CURRENT MEMBER!
  • Anyone who has completed the APhA Immunization training course within the past 2 years and wants prescriptive authority for New Mexico, must complete 2hrs. of childhood vaccination updates and review New Mexico laws and protocols. MUST BE CURRENT MEMBER!

    The fee for this 2hr. training is $100 for NMPhA Members.

    The participant must have proof of their APhA participation as well as current CPR status.

    These 2 hours DO NOT MEET the requirement for BOP required live CE following certification.

Registration is closed

Friday, September 2, 2022

9:00am - 5:00pm

Pharmacists Prescribing Vaccines

The New Mexico Program

(Virtual Zoom Meeting)

This training program will meet the requirements for a Certificate from the New Mexico Pharmacists Association for Pharmacist Vaccination Prescribing Authority. This is the approved training program required by regulations approved by the Board of Medicine, the Board of Nursing and the Board of Pharmacy.

 The “Train the Trainer” program is complimentary for anyone who has previously completed the 12hr. course and is willing to commit to help NMPhA in teaching future training sessions. Please contact the NMPhA office directly if you are interested.

Training requirement:

The home-study exam is linked below in the Handouts area along with the course materials. We will no longer print out handout materials.

Purpose: This application-based program will provide education and training to assist pharmacists in implementing a successful immunization practice including pharmacist prescribing of vaccinations.

Objectives:  Following completion of this program, participants will be able to: 

1)  Apply Clinical information – a)  Mechanisms of action, b)  Standards for prescribing, c)  Indications and Contraindications, d)  Patient Evaluation, Assessment and Counseling, e)  Vaccination for adolescents through adulthood, f)  Recommendations and schedules for childhood and adult vaccines, g)  Summary of Rules for vaccines, and h)  After the shots;

2)  Analyze Vaccine Information Statements – a) Legal Requirements and b) Detailed review of all vaccines;

3)  Compare ACIP Recommendations;

4)  Apply Practice Management – a) Storage Handling, b) Screening, c) Needle Tips and d) Immunization Facts;

5)  Prepare Record Requirements – a) Record Card, b) DOH and Primary Care Provider, c) VAERS form, d) Release Forms, e) Insurance, f) Pharmaceutical Care Services and g) HCFA;

6)  Define Appropriate use and compliance with the Prescribing Vaccine protocol as approved by the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy, the New Mexico Board of Medical Examiners and the New Mexico Board of Nursing;

7)  Evaluate Resources – a) Order Forms, b) Educational Materials, c) Multi-Lingual Products and d) Manufacturer Information.

Part 1: Home study component of 4 hours

Review the CDC Pink Book and the current immunization tables (Updated link for the 2015 CDC Pink Book is: 


The home-study exam (linked below) is also required for participants to provide prior to the class.

Part 2: Classroom component of 8 hours You must complete the home study component prior to the classroom component.

Pharmacists Prescribing Vaccines - The New Mexico Program

Immunization Program - Updated November 2021

  1. Child (0-18 years) - Combined-schedule - pdf UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020
  2. Summary of Recommendations - Child-Teen - pdf UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020
  3. Child - Screening questions  pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  4. Child - Medical management of Reactions  pdf UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020
  5. Child - Record  pdf CURRENT as of JULY 2018
  6. Adult - Combined-schedule pdf UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020
  7. Summary of Recommendations - Adult - pdf UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020
  8. Adult – Screening questions – pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  9. Adult - Medical management of reactions – pdf CURRENT as of JULY 2018
  10. Adult - Record – pdf CURRENT as of FEBRUARY 2020
  11. Adult - Consent Form - pdf CURRENT as of FEBRUARY 2020
  12. Guide to contraindications – pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  13. Preventable Errors in Vaccine Administration  pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  14. Administering vaccine - Adults – pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  15. Administering vaccines – pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  16. How to administer IM/SQ – pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  17. Administer nasal, oral - pdf CURRENT as of JULY 2018
  18. Injection Technique Assessment Form v2015 – pdf CURRENT as of JULY 2018
  19. After the shots – pdf UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020
  20. Vaccine storage – pdf UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020
  21. VIS dates – pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  22. Immunization facts – PowerPoint
  23. nutsandbolts2020.pdf– pdf
  24. nutsandbolts2020.ppt– PowerPoint
  25. Community Clinic check list (supplies) – pdf UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020
  26. Kevin Bersell NMSIIS presentation 2013 - pdf
  27. Preventabe DX 2020.pdf– pdf
  28. Preventabe DX 2020.pptx– PowerPoint
  29. Hep A and B – pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  30. Meningococcal Vaccine Timing
  31. Meningococcal B Vaccine Recommendations pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  32. Meningococcal Vaccines (A, C, Y, W-135) - pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  33. Interchangeability of HEPLISAV-B – pdf UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020 Interchangeability_03_FINAL_2018-09-05 MRB appvd for IRMS.pdf
  34. Pneumococcal Timing - pdf UPDATED JULY 2018
  35. Protocol for Pharmacist Prescribing of vaccines - doc
  36. Reg 26 – Prescriptive Authority – pdf
  37. IZregupdated2015.pdf
  38.  IZregPharmTech.pdf
  39. Home Study Exam - pdf 

 You must demonstrate current LIVE CPR certification before the Pharmacist Prescriptive Authority Certificate is issued. You MUST COMPLETE the combined 12 contact hours (1.2 CEU’s). No partial credit will be given. You must score a passing grade on the program exams. 

The New Mexico Pharmacists Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) 

as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. The ACPE Universal Activity Numbers are to be determined.  The ACPE Universal Activity Number that has been assigned for the 8.0/0.8 CEUs Live offering is #0104-0000-21-001-L06-P & the UAN assigned for the 4./0.4 CEUs Home-Study offering is #0104-0000-21-002-H06-P. 

The ACPE UAN for the 8.0/0.8CEUs ‘Train the Trainer’ program is #0104-0000-21-003-L06-P and for the 2.0/0.2 CEU’s ‘Childhood Immunizations & Pharmacist Prescribing Law’ is #0104-0000-20-015-L06-P. 

NMPhA will input the CPE credits into the CPE Monitor Database within 60 days based on the information provided on evaluation form.

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