2014 Mid-Winter Meeting

  • Saturday, January 25, 2014
  • 7:30 AM
  • Sunday, January 26, 2014
  • Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Guest registration does not provide CPE credits. Guests are welcome to sit in on programs and attend other event functions, breaks, lunch.
  • Full two day CPE program registration.

Registration is closed

The 2014 NMPhA Mid-Winter Meeting has been changed to allow pharmacists to receive the full ten hours of live Continuing Professional Education (CPE) now required by the Board of Pharmacy during the two year registration cycle over two days.

The professional programs will also allow pharmacists to receive the CPE required to maintain certifications offered by NMPhA (immunizations, tobacco cessation, emergency contraception).

Note that the registration fees show here are for members and you will be redirected to the membership application if you are not currently a member before you can register.

Tentative Program - This program will be revised as we get closer to the meeting dates.

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