“Intimate Partner Violence; A Pharmacists Guide to Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Screening, Education, and Intervention"
ACPE #0104-0000-23-015-L99-P/T 1 contact hrs. / 0.1 CEU
Initial Release Date: 5/25/23 Expiration Date: 5/25/26
Amy Bachyrycz, PharmD; Walgreen’s Patient Care Center Clinical Pharmacy Specialist; Clinical Assistant Professor, UNM College of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM
(Zoom Link will be emailed 2-3 days prior to selected date)
May 25, 2023, 5-6pm MT
June 2, 2023, 2-3pm MT
June 6, 2023, 6-7pm MT
June 7, 2023, Noon-1pm MT
June 15, 2023, 6-7pm MT
Upon completion of this application-based program, participants will be able to:
Pharmacist Objectives: 1) Discover key terms, background information, and relevant data with regards to intimate partner violence and sexual violence in the US and NM; 2) Distinguish risk, victimization, and validated intimate partner violence screening tools for utilization in the pharmacy setting; 3) Apply appropriate intimate partner violence protective, prevention, and education efforts and 4) Recommend intimate partner violence resources and referral strategies for patients when applicable.
Pharmacy Technician Objectives: 1) Discover key terms, background information, and relevant data with regards to intimate partner violence and sexual violence in the US and NM; 2) Distinguish risk, victimization, and validated intimate partner violence screening tools for utilization in the pharmacy setting; 3) Apply appropriate intimate partner violence protective, prevention, and education efforts and 4) Summarize intimate partner violence resources and referral strategies for patients when applicable.
Program Slides under construction

The New Mexico Pharmacists Association (NMPhA) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. This program provides 1.0 contact hour or 0.1 CEUs of continuing pharmacy education credit. The program is designed for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. ACPE Universal Activity Number 0104-0000-23-015-L99-P/T has been assigned to this live application-based CE activity. Completion of the evaluation is required to receive CE credit. NMPhA will submit the CPE credits into CPE Monitor within 30 days based on the information provided on evaluation form.
This activity is supported by an educational grant from Falling Colors who works in
collaboration with the New Mexico Department of Health.