Exhibit Information - NMPhA 94th Annual Convention - 6/24/23

  • Saturday, June 24, 2023
  • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel, 2910 Yale Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106


  • Include everyone who will be manning the exhibit and note if electricity is required. $75 additional fee for power outlet paid to Convention Services of the Southwest.
  • Include everyone who will be manning the exhibit and note if electricity is required. $75 additional fee for power outlet paid to Convention Services of the Southwest.
  • Include everyone who will be manning the exhibit and note if electricity is required. $75 additional fee for power outlet paid to Convention Services of the Southwest.
  • Include everyone who will be manning the exhibit and note if electricity is required. $75 additional fee for power outlet paid to Convention Services of the Southwest.
Saturday, June 24, 2023
2023 NMPhA 94th Annual Convention EXHIBITORS!

11am - 2pm

Exhibit Flyer

Attendance: 200 people expected

Profile of attendees:   Attending are Pharmacists from all areas of practice as well as other healthcare professionals. Attendees include: Community Pharmacists; Independent Pharmacy Owners; Consultant Pharmacists; Chief Pharmacists; Hospital Pharmacists; Professors and Students from UNM College of Pharmacy; Pharmacist Clinicians; New Mexico Board of Pharmacy Members and Drug Inspectors and Staff; Certified Nurse Practitioners; Certified Nurse Midwives; Physician Assistants; Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhT); and Pharmacy Technicians.

Booth Size & Cost:  EARLY BIRD by 5/19/23

8’ x 8’, pipe and drape @ $800 or 8’x 16’ @ $1200


8’x 8’ @ $900 or 8’x 16’ @ $1300

Booth Assigned:   Upon receipt of your exhibit fee you will be listed as an exhibitor in our Annual Convention Program. Booth locations are assigned on a first-paid basis.

Setup Time:   Saturday, June 24, 2023 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Exhibit Time:   11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Breakdown: Directly following show at 2:00 pm

Cost:   $800 - $1300. If your company is sponsoring a speaker and NMPhA is not processing a grant request from your organization, the fee is waived. However, we still need the form.

Refund Policy:   Up to three weeks prior to our Convention a refund, minus a $50.00 administration fee may be obtained. No refunds after Friday, June 16, 2023.  No refunds for no shows!

Tax ID#:   85-0096044 

The complete program agenda and Exhibitor registration form are available on our website at www.nmpharmacy.org   If you need to book a hotel room, please do so by 6/1/23… 

Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel

2910 Yale Blvd SE

Albuquerque, New Mexico  87106 

You are responsible for making your own hotel reservations through the Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel by calling (505) 843-7000.

Reservations must be made by June 1, 2023, to be a part of the NMPhA room block

Reservations received after this date will be confirmed on a space available basis only.

Single or Double........................................ $109.00



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