"Insulin Management Interventions at the Pharmacy Level" HOME-STUDY

  • Tuesday, October 20, 2020
  • Wednesday, April 07, 2021
  • www.nmpharmacy.org


  • Current NMPhA or NMSHP member

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"Insulin Management Interventions at the Pharmacy Level"

Ronald W. Scott, RPh, PhC, BCACP

Pharmacist Clinician, Presbyterian Medical Group, Albuquerque, NM

ACPE# 0104-0000-20-032-H01-P/T     

1.0 Contact Hour or 0.1 CE

Initial Release Date : 10/2/20 / Planned Expiration Date:  4/2/21

Home-Study / Cost:   $20 NMPhA member / $30 non-member

Program Slides

Program Evaluation Form

Recorded for Preview

Place:   https://www.nmpharmacy.org/Home-Study-programs-from-2020-Convention

Pharmacist Learning Objectives:  At the completion of this knowledge based program, the participant will be able to: 

1)  Identify patients who could benefit from adjustments to insulin therapy; 2)  Identify strategies and interventions leading to improvements in insulin therapy; 3)  Describe patient specific factors pertinent to the selection of insulins and 4)  Implement evidence-based screening, diagnostic, and therapeutic actions in their daily practice to help patients to get the most benefit from their insulin.

Pharmacy Technician Learning Objectives:  At the completion of this knowledge based program, the participant will be able to: 

1)  Assist the pharmacist in identifying patients who could benefit from adjustments to insulin therapy; 2)  Participate in the process of implementing changes to therapy and 3)  Recognize when there may be more cost effective ways for patient to get their insulin.

The New Mexico Pharmacists Association is accredited by the

Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.  This program provides 1.0 contact hour (0.1 CEU) of continuing pharmacy education credit.  The Home-study, knowledge-based program is designed for pharmacists & pharmacy technicians. Participants are required to turn in a completed program evaluation form to receive the designated CEUs.  Your CPE credits  will be submitted into the CPE Monitor Database within 60 days based on the information provided on this form. Full payment is required prior to submission of CPE.

ACPE CREDIT: After payment is received, following the completion of the Recorded Presentation, pharmacists & pharmacy technicians requesting 1.0 contact hour of ACPE credit will be required to download and complete the program evaluation and forward to NMPhA.

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