New Mexico Pharmacist Prescriptive Authority for Contraception Live Requirement

  • Tuesday, December 11, 2018
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Project ECHO, 1650 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Registration is closed
Pre-Requsite:  Must have completed the 4 hour, home-study, Moodle training + full payment of the training is required.  

“New Mexico Pharmacist Prescriptive Authority for Contraception Live Requirement”  ACPE #0104-0000-18-016-L04-P  2 contact hrs. / 0.2 CEUs

Upon completion of this knowledge-based program, participants will be able to: 1)  Provide a brief review of key facts concerning hormonal contraception; 2)  Review sample patient cases; 3)  Offer the opportunity to ask questions and clarify issues in providing hormonal contraceptive care; 4)  Identify the best resources for building clinical skills and 5)  Offer pharmacy-specific practice suggestions.

LIVE TRAINING SESSIONS SCHEDULED: - Project ECHO, 1650 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM  87102 (Attendees can attend live or via web-conferencing.)

December 11, 2018 10am -Noon - SUBMARINE Conference Room

Program Slides

The New Mexico Pharmacists Association is accredited by the

Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.  This knowledge-based program provides 4.0 contact hours (0.4 CEUs) of continuing pharmacy education home-study credit and is designed for pharmacists. The additional knowledge-based live program offers 2.0 contact hrs. (0.2 CEUs) CPE credit.   Participants must have a passing grade of 80% on the home-study quiz and are required to turn in a completed program evaluation form to receive the designated CEUs.  Your CPE credits  will be submitted into the CPE Monitor Database within 60 days based on the information provided on the program evaluation form. 

Participants are required to turn in a completed program evaluation form to receive the designated CEUs.  Your CPE credits will be submitted into the CPE Monitor Database within 60 days based on the information provided on this form.  Full NM HC prescriptive authority will not be acknowledged until the full 6 hour training is complete, a passing quiz grade and full payment has been received.

LIVE TRAINING SESSIONS SCHEDULED: - Project ECHO, 1650 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM  87102 (Attendees can attend live or via web-conferencing.)

December 11, 2018 10am -Noon (MST)

 *Please note:  Live attendees will be charged an additional $8 for a parking pass.  If you don’t register at least 1 week prior to the training, limited pay stations will be available on site.

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