Exhibitors Information - NMPhA 89th Annual Convention - 6/23/18

  • Saturday, June 23, 2018
  • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Registration allowed - Event will be at the Isleta Resort - June 24th


  • Include everyone who will be manning the exhibit and note if electricity is required.
  • Include everyone who will be manning the exhibit and note if electricity is required.
  • Include everyone who will be manning the exhibit and note if electricity is required.
  • Include everyone who will be manning the exhibit and note if electricity is required.

Registration is closed
Saturday, June 23, 2018
2018 NMPhA 89th Annual Convention EXHIBITORS!
11am - 2pm

Attendance: 250 people expected

Profile of attendees:   Attending are Pharmacists from all areas of practice as well as other healthcare professionals. Attendees include: Community Pharmacists; Independent Pharmacy Owners; Consultant Pharmacists; Chief Pharmacists; Hospital Pharmacists; Professors and Students from UNM College of Pharmacy; Pharmacist Clinicians; New Mexico Board of Pharmacy Members and Drug Inspectors and Staff; Certified Nurse Practitioners; Certified Nurse Midwives; Physician Assistants; Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhT); and Pharmacy Technicians.

Booth Size & Cost:  EARLY BIRD by 5/25/18

8’ x 8’, pipe and drape @ $800 or 8’x 16’ @ $1200


8’x 8’ @ $900 or 8’x 16’ @ $1300

Booth Assigned:   Upon receipt of your exhibit fee you will be listed as an exhibitor in our Annual Convention Program. Booth locations are assigned on a first-paid basis.

Setup Time:   Saturday, June 23, 2018 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Exhibit Time:   11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Breakdown: Directly following show at 2:00 pm

Cost:   $800 - $1300. If your company is sponsoring a speaker and NMPhA is not processing a grant request from your organization, the fee is waived. However, we still need the form.

Refund Policy:   Up to three weeks prior to our Convention a refund, minus a $50.00 administration fee may be obtained. No refunds after Friday, June 16, 2017.  No refunds for no shows!

Tax ID#:   85-0096044 

The complete program agenda and Exhibitor registration form are available on our website at www.nmpharmacy.org   If you need to book a hotel room, please do so by 6/6/18… 

Isleta Resort

11000 Broadway SE

Albuquerque, New Mexico  87105 

You are responsible for making your own hotel reservations through the Isleta Resort

by calling (505) 848-1999 or or Toll Free (877) 747-5382

Reservations must be made by June 6, 2018, to be a part of the NMPhA room block

Reservations received after this date will be confirmed on a space available basis only.

Single or Double........................................ $122.00



Sponsorship Information Sheet 2018.doc 


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