"Tuberculin Skin Testing in New Mexico Pharmacies"

  • Friday, October 05, 2018
  • 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Walgreen’s District Office, 7770 Jefferson NE Suite 400, Albuquerque, NM
  • 0


  • Smith's, Walgreen's, Walmart, NACDS

Registration is closed


 “Tuberculin Skin Testing in New Mexico Pharmacies”

ACPE# 0104-9999-16-030-L01-P     

3.0 Contact Hours or 0.3 CEs Initial Release Date : 7/1/16

Date:  Friday, October 5, 2018

Place:   Walgreen’s District Office, 7770 Jefferson NE Suite 400, Albuquerque, NM

Time:            9:30am – 12:30pm

Cost:   $100 NMPhA member / $150 non-member / FREE COP Students 

RSVP:   Online at https://www.nmpharmacy.org/event-2695537 / Fax Registration to: (505) 255-8476 / Call in Registration:  (505) 265-8729 or (800) 464-8729 / Mail Registration to:  NMPhA, 2716 San Pedro NE, Suite C, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110


2016 (May) Fundamentals of TB TST Training Pharmacists.pptx

Learning Objectives:  At the completion of this application based program, the participant will be able to: 

1) Analyze the cause, transmission and pathogenesis of tuberculosis, specifically latent tuberculosis infection and its progression to tuberculosis disease; 2) Discuss significant recent trends in the epidemiology of tuberculosis and identify populations in the United States and New Mexico at high-risk of latent tuberculosis infection and progression to tuberculosis disease; 3) Discuss the limitations inherent in the Mantoux tuberculin skin test, how those limitations might affect tuberculin skin testing in the pharmacy setting and current alternatives to the Mantoux tuberculin skin test; 4) Compare the components of a targeted tuberculin skin test health history/risk assessment and their significance in interpreting tuberculin skin test reactions; 5) Demonstrate the correct technique for administering the Mantoux tuberculin skin test; 6) When presented with Mantoux tuberculin skin test reactions and accompanying health histories, participant will be able to demonstrate the correct technique for reading/interpreting these reactions and documenting the results and 7) Identify patients who would benefit from referral for further medical evaluation and describe the appropriate referral process. 


The New Mexico Pharmacists Association is accredited by the

Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.  This program provides 3.0 contact hours (0.3 CEUs) of continuing pharmacy education credit.  The application-based program is designed for pharmacists. The additional knowledge-based home-study webinar offers 1.0 contact hr. (0.1 CEU) CPE credit.   Participants are required to turn in a completed program evaluation form to receive the designated CEUs.  Your CPE credits  will be submitted into the CPE Monitor Database within 60 days based on the information provided on this form. 

ACPE Program # 0104-9999-16-030-L01-P (Pharmacists) / Initial Release Date:  7/1/16

ACPE Program # 0104-9999-17-052-H04-P (Pharmacists) / Initial Release Date:  8/15/17  Pre-Requisite:  Introductory webinar required.

“Understanding the Tuberculin Skin Test:  A Primer for Non-TB Staff”

ACPE# 0104-9999-17-052-H04-P            

1.0 Contact Hour or 0.1 CEU Initial Release Date :  8/15/17


The link above will take you to the home-study webinar.  This is a very large file, so please allow up to 4-5 minutes for it to download.

Download webinar program evaluation following the completion of the webinar  TB ONLINE EVALUATION FORM

ACPE CREDIT & CERTIFICATION: Upon completion of the webinar, pharmacists requesting 1.0 contact hour of ACPE credit will be required to download and complete the program evaluation and forward to NMPhA.

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