Childhood Immunizations & Pharmacist Prescribing Law

  • Wednesday, October 19, 2016
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Conference Call 888-285-0307/Participant Passcode: 9217701#


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“Childhood Immunizations & Pharmacist Prescribing Law” **

Date:  Wednesday, October 19, 2016

  • Phone-In:   888-285-0307/Participant Passcode:  9217701#

Time:             2:00pm – 4:00pm  (MST)

Cost:   $100 NMPhA member / $320 non-member (includes RPh dues)

Required Training for Pharmacists who have completed the APhA Training Certification (within the past 2 yrs) and are needing Vaccination Prescriptive Authority in NM


The New Mexico Pharmacists Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) 

as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. The ACPE Universal Activity Number that has been assigned for the 2.0/0.2 CEUs Live offering is #0104-0000-16-056-L04-P. 

NMPhA will input the CPE credits into the CPE Monitor Database within 60 days based on the information provided on evaluation form.

COURSE MATERIALS: (Recommend you download prior to training)

  1. Home Study Exam - pdf
  2. Preventabledisease.pptx
  3. nutsandbolts2015.ppt
  4. IZprot2015 - June BOP-Aug MB.pdf
  5. Injection_Technique_Assessment_Form_v2015.pdf
  6. adult-schedule2016.pdf
  7. IZregupdated2015.docx

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