2016 NMPhA 87th Annual Convention

  • Saturday, June 25, 2016
  • Sunday, June 26, 2016
  • Marriott Pyramid North


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Member Pharmacist
  • This is the program which meets the Board of Pharmacy requirement for two hours of New Mexico Law to maintain current license or for license renewal.
  • Associate Members or Guests do not receive Continuing Education credit!
  • This category includes others in need of pharmacy continuing professional educations such as Nurse Practitioners, Physicians, Dentists, etc. Registrants are not required to be members of NMPhA.
  • 9-11am Mannequins will be utilized w/ pre-programmed blood pressure values. Participants are encouraged to bring own stethoscope!

    You must first register for the full program then come back here to register for this program!

Registration is closed
The 87th Annual Convention will provide Continuing Professional Education to Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians and other health care professionals. Saturday there will be exhibitors providing information about products and services.

Saturday, June 25, 2016
Sunday, June 26, 2016

2016 NMPhA 87th Annual Convention

Registration and online payment link is at the lower left corner of this page!

6/25/16 "Blood Pressure Measurement & Monitoring in Contemporary Practice" from 9-11am - Limited to #30 Full Registration participants - MUST PRE-REGISTER + BRING OWN STETHOSCOPE!

Please click the yes button on the bottom of your individual profile to get on the list to attend this program!

"When I'm 65" Documentary (NO CE) shown on 6/25/16 from 5:20-6:20pm  

Mark your Calendar!

The complete program agenda and registration form are available on our website at www.nmpharmacy.org   If you need to book a hotel room, please do so by 6/5/16…

Marriott Pyramid North

Albuquerque, New Mexico  87102

You are responsible for making your own hotel reservations through the Marriott Pyramid North

by calling (505) 821-3333

or Toll Free (800) 262-2043

Register on the web:


Reservations must be made by Friday, June 5, 2015, to be a part of the NMPhA room block

Reservations received after this date will be confirmed on a space available basis only.

Single or Double........................................ $109.00



Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Information

The New Mexico Pharmacists Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.  Pharmacists and other health professionals may earn up to 12.0 contact hours or 1.2 CEU’s by participating and successfully completing a program evaluation form for each program attended.  (There are concurrent programs, an individual can earn at the most 12.0 or 1.2 CEU’s.) NMPhA will submit your completed CPE hours into the CPE Monitor database within 60 days to attendees who have successfully completed a Program Evaluation Form.    

NOTE:  Statements of Credit will not provided unless all appropriate fees are paid.

TARGET AUDIENCE:  Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy students.

GRIEVANCE POLICY:  If, for any reason, a participant is unsatisfied with one program or the entire program, that participant must file his/her grievance, either by phone or in writing, with the NMPhA office within ten business days of the program in order to determine the refund amount.  If the individual(s) remain unsatisfied with the response from the NMPhA Program Administrator, he/she may request to appeal the situation before the Association’s Executive Council at the next scheduled meeting.  Such an appeal may be done either in person or in writing.  All expenses pertinent to such an appeal shall be borne by the individual(s) requesting the appeal.

REFUND POLICY:  Up to five days prior to the program, a refund less a $25 administrative fee may be obtained.  NO REFUNDS after June 21, 2016.  Refunds will not be granted for no shows.


Pharmacy Convention Participants' Kids Camp at Explora!

Your children can enjoy an afternoon of both enjoying the exhibits at Explora and engaging in a variety of camp activities while you are at the convention!

Experiment with robotics sensors, mechanical motion, lights and sound and art using Pico Crickets, Little Bits, motors and switches.  Create an Art Bot to draw designs for you.  Learn in depth about the exhibits from your educator during floor time.

Snacks and drinks with be provided.  Camp Fee = $50!

Pharmacy Convention Participants Kids' Camp at Explora!

3rd-7th graders

June 25th, 1:30-6pm

Pre-register by calling 505-224-8341.

Direct any questions to Marla Griego at mgriego@explora.us



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